Lend Lease | London, UK 2019 - ongoing

The Silvertown Bridge in London's Royal Victoria Dock will serve over 3,000 users an hour during peak times. This flow far exceeds the capacity of the nearby, high-level footbridge. Through thoughtful design, a necessary connection over the dock will become a new urban amenity, adding an uplifting moment to the daily lives of many.

While the distinct form is an efficient and functional response to a complex brief, it will set this bridge apart, providing an entirely new dock experience.

The meandering path will gently rise over the dock, framing distinct views of the surroundings as well as the bridge snaking into the distance. The southern segment will approach the iconic Millennium Mills before bending towards a future avenue that will extend down to a repurposed Silo D (a former grain silo) and the core of Silvertown.

The bridge structure responds to the dynamic path, allowing it to delicately skip across the water. Atop V-support cantilevers extend from a central spine beam like the ribs of a ship. This hard-working skeleton cradles a refined public realm above.

At the midpoint of this new civic space, the bridge intersects a navigation channel for taller ships. A pair of curved bascule spans will provide unlimited clearance when they pivot clear of approaching vessels.

This unique configuration of ‘twisting’ elements is both novel and efficient, unveiling the deeper beauty of the alignment and overall bridge form.
