HS2 Ltd. / EKFB / ASC | South Northants, England 2017 - ongoing

The proposals for Lower Thorpe Viaduct in South Northamptonshire have been developed in accordance with the HS2 Design Vision. The simple appearance of the Viaduct in relation to the preservation of the local environment has been carefully considered, in particular with respect to minimising visibility of the structure from the wider surroundings and maintaining a low profile relative to the adjacent landform.

Piers are widely spaced to allow the landform to continue beneath the structure and the abutments are recessed into the approach earthworks. This minimalist approach privileges landform over structure. At the detail level additional texture is incorporated into the design of the piers and parapets. The fine scale relief applied to the structure in these locations importantly addresses views near to and obliquely along the structure from Banbury Lane.

“The design of the viaduct structure is strong and confident, but also simple and recessive, which the panel considers a very successful approach.

The panel considers the abutment design with central stairs to be a triumph, resulting in a particularly successful relationship between the abutment and the viaduct structure.”

HS2 Independent Design Panel Final Report 07/04/21
